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Cloud Mining Baru

By : Reyn

Kuy baru meluncur 16 nov 2017

Hargai yg share dengan jadi referal ga rugi juga kok 😇😇😇

Tinggal nunggu profit datang

Biasanya yang baru begini masih legit jadi masih di bayar dan tidak scam


Bitcoin Mining Gratis

By : Reyn
Setelah seharian muter muter dan mencari "Geratisan" di website dan forum
babang tampan udah nemuin dan yang menurut babang paling enak
dan karna ini gratis jadi butuh proses semua yang gratis ga bisa instan :")

dan ga perlu di jelasin lagi apa itu Mining dan Bitcoin
karna banyak di GOOGLE

langsung aja klik link di bawah dan daftar kuy

1. quantum



4.https://www.btcminer.services/20403359 (Recomended

5.startminer (sepertinya scam)

6. 5star miner

7. adsok ( auto mining )

8. Btclick ( pendapatan terbesar )

semua sama tinggal langsung daftar dan isikan wallet nya

wallet yang gampang ada di


Use of preposition Common combination and preposition

By : Reyn
  • Verb - Preposition Combinations

Agree on (something)
We agree on that issue.
Agree with (a person)
I agree with you in that matter.
Approve of
Betty approves of exercising.
Arrive at OR in
They arrived in Tokyo last night.
Have you arrived at a decision?
Complain about
Please do not complain about the color.
Consent to
She consented to her daughter’s marriage.
Comment on
She commented on his haircut.
Consist of
Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.
Depend on
I am depending on you to help me.
Laugh at
We laughed at his silly shirt.
Object to
Do you object to my smoking?
Succeed in
He succeeded in making everyone angry.

  • Some verb preposition combinations take two objects.

Compare… with OR to
Why compare me with ( OR to) my brother?
Excuse… for
I cannot excuse you for being late.
Prefer… to
She prefers juice to milk.
Remind… of
She reminded me of my appointment.
Thank… for
I thanked him for letting me use his bike.
  • Adjective - preposition combinations with verb "be."
Be afraid of
Jake is afraid of dogs.
Be accustomed to
I was accustomed to seeing her every day.
Be aware of
Are you aware of this problem?
Be bored with
Todd is bored with backgammon.
Be certain of
He cannot be certain of the date.
Be disappointed with
Susan was disappointed with her meal.
Be familiar with
Is Doctor Jones familiar with that new pill?
Be famous for
Michigan is famous for its Great Lakes.
Be frightened by
Don’t be frightened by the dog, he won’t bite.
Be happy with
The Smith’s are very happy with their new car.
Be in favor of
Are you in favor of abortion?
Be interested in
John is interested in anthropology.
Be opposed to
He is really opposed to buying a new car.
Be satisfied with
He is not satisfied with his new school.
Be surprised at (or) by
I was surprised by his behavior.
Be tired of
Maria is tired of working for a living.
Be worried about
Mark is very worried about his sick mother.

  • Prepositions in fixed phrases.

According to
According to the news, it will rain tonight.
Along with
Can you take this bottle along with these cans, to the recycle bin?
As well as
I enjoy physics as well as math.
Because of
Because of the strike, there will be no buses today.
By means of
The child entered the yard by means of an open gate.
By way of
John went to Paris by way of London.
In addition to
In addition to studying ballet full-time, Patricia works part-time.
In case of
In case of fire, break glass and pull alarm.
In consideration of
In consideration of all your hard work I would like to take you to dinner.
In contrast to (or) with
In contrast to last summer, this summer is quite cool.
In deference to
In deference to her age, we did not argue with her.
In hopes of
We came here in hopes of meeting the famous musician.
In lieu of
He gave an oral report in lieu of the written exam.
In pursuit of
The business is in pursuit of excellence.
In search of
They went into the cave in search of lost treasure.
In spite of
In spite of his good intentions, he did not study much or do well on the exam.
In the face of
In the face of a severe drought, conservation measures needed to be adopted.
In terms of
He was a good teacher in terms of getting his students to pass their exams.

commonly misused words and confusingly related words

By : Reyn
There are a lot of words in English that look or sound alike but have very different meanings. Words that sound alike but are different in spelling, meaning or origin is called homophone. Writers often confuse and misuse these words. It’s helpful to use a dictionary to look up the meaning of the word in question. 
Here is the example of commonly misused words with definition.
Mail, Male
Mail(n) – correspondence.
I’ve just received your mail.

Male(n) – masculine.
Many said that a male and female brain are different in structures and chemicals.
To, Too, Two
To(prep) – is a preposition meaning in the direction of, toward
It is the bad way to ask for help.
Too(adv) – is an adverb meaning also, excessively
He loves you too.
Two – is a number
I have two cars in my house.
Hear, Here
Hear(v) – to perceive by the ear
Do you want to hear my song?
Here(adv) – in this place, in this spot or locality (opposed to there)
Sit down here, please.

There are words that cause problems when the speaker is not able to distinguish between them. They are similiar in meaning or pronounciation but can not be used interchangeably.
Here is the example of confusingly related words with definition.
Many, Much
Many – is used when referring to a large but definite number. Many refers to things that can be counted.
I have too many shoes.
Much – is used when referring to something great in quantity, amount, extent or degree. Much refers to things that can not be counted.
You have too much time.
Borrow, Lend
Borrow(v) – to obtain or receive (something) on loan with the promise or understanding of returning it or its equivalent.
He borrowed my dictionary just now.
Lend(v) – to give or allow the use temporarily on the condition that the same or its equivalent will be returned.
She lends me her book today.
Good, Well
Good(adj) – is an adjective and is used to modify nouns and linking verbs
I have a good idea.
Well(adv) – is an adverb and is used to modify action verbs.
He sings well.

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