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Archive for Juli 2014

Cara bermain ps 2 dengan Flasdisk

By : Reyn
1.Siapkan flashdisk 4GB/lebih
2.Download ELF_PSU.RAR 1.7mb
3.Download Ulaunch.iso
4.mmc/memory card

Setelah semua bahan selesai di siapkan .
yang pertama flashdisk harus format fat32 dan kosongkan mmc
selanjutnya extrack Elf_PSU.rar yang anda download tadi lalu copy semua file *.elf ke dalam flashdisk.
Kemudian burn ulaunch.iso ke cd/dvd pake nero atau software sejenis..
setelah semua selesi masukan cd kedalam ps2 anda,tunggu beberapa saat sampai masuk ke dalam ulaunch explorer.
lalu pasang mmc/memory card anda ke ps2 anda di player 1 dan flashdisk juga.

pada layar pilih file browser.
masuk ke mass:/ copy paste BOOT.psu ke mcO:/ caranya yaitu tekan R1 pada BOOT.psu pilih copy kemudian tekan segitiga
untuk kembali ke menu awal masuk ke mcO:/ tekan R1 kemudian pilih psupaste tunggu sampai proses selesai kemudian
masuk lagi ke mass:/ dan copy paste semua file *.ELf ke mcO:/BOOT/...paste .
Dan langkah selanjutnya  masuk lagi ke mass:/ pilih freemcboot lalu klik lingkaran pada file FREE MCBOOT.ELF
dan akan masuk ke mcboot instaler pilih normal instal ataou multi version sampai proses fhinis.
Dan selanjutnya matikan ps2 anda keluarkan cd nya hidupkan kembali ps2 anda  tp inget mmc/memory card sama flashdisk biarkan
saja jangan di cabut.
 setelah muncul layar free mc boot pilih FREE MCBOOT CONFIGURATOR kemudian tekan x kemudian pilih  Configure OSDSYS option lalu pilih configure item 1:ulaunchelf kemudian tekan x.
item 1 settings

name: uLaunchELF >> ganti  nama terserah kamu

path1: mass:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF >> MC0:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF

path2: MC?:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF>> hapus/clear

path3: MC?:/B?DATA-SYSTEM/BOOT.ELF >> hapus/clear

itu di atas maksudnya tanda “ >> ” adalah di ganti seperti baris kanan ya, jadi baris kiri diganti menjadi seperti baris yang kanan. jangan lupa perhatikan pada bagian bawah layar TV kamu(tulisan warna merah).. disitu ada keterangan key stik ps2 kamu misal tombol X : untuk browse, tombol O : untuk clear. dll

kalo sudah selesai tekan segitiga satu kali kemudian masih sorot di configure item 1 lalu tekan tombol kanan pada bagian configure item 2 : ESR lalu tekan X atau Ok.

Item 2 settings

Name: ESR >> ganti nama OpenPS2Loader


path2: MC?:/BOOT/ESR.ELF >> hapus/clear

path3: MC?:/B?DATA-SYSTEM/ESR.ELF >> hapus/clear

jika sudah selesai di ubah kemudian selesai deh.. kamu tekan segitiga sampai ke menu awal pada free mcBOOT configurator kemudian pilih save CNF to MC0. DONE…. reset ps2 kamu

nah sampai disini kamu harusnya sudah paham deh ya. kalo ada kekurangan jadi kamu bisa tambahin sendiri nanti.

okay kita lanjutkan… setelah ps2 kamu restart lalu masuk ke OpenPS2Loader *memory card tetap terpasang*. setelah loading nanti akan muncul halaman dari OPL nya*warna biru background nya* pilih settings lalu ganti baris ini..

USB device start mode off ubah menjadi auto

HDD device start mode off ubah menjadi auto

kemudian selesai/ok dan pilih save changes.

Nah sekarang tingggal masukin  game nya ke dalam flashdisk gini caranya gan...
download isoOPLscane.exe
buat folder baru di flashdisk dengan nama DVD.
kemudian extrak file isoOPLscane yang anda download tadi.dan copy file isoOPLscane .exe ke flashdisk anda.copy paste game iso yang akan anda mainkan ke dalam folder DVD yang anda buat tadi setelah copy paste selesai klik 2 kali isoOPLscane.exe tpi inget ya saat copy paste isoOPLscane.exe sebelumnya disable dulu anti virus anda karna akan terdetek sebagai spam....
Tag : ,

Menghindari Kemasukan Debu Di DSLR

By : Reyn
untuk menghindari lensa dari kemasukan debu beberapa tips dari saya 

  • Hindari mengganti lensa dalam keadaan yang kurang bersahabat seperti beranging, berdebu cipratan air dan sebagainya
  • matikan kamera sebelum mengganti lensa
  • tutup slot lensa setelah membuka lensa (hadepin bawah biar simple), pas saat ini sangat rawan debu memasuki kamera, dengan kamera menghadap kebawah mengurangi kemungkinan debu masuk
  • sebelum mengganti lensa, siapkan lensa yang akan di ganti, jadi engga terlalu lama membiarkan slot lensa terbuka
  • cek kembali lensa kamu dari debu, gunakan blower untuk membersihkanya
untuk mengetes sensor gambar dari kotoran, photo tembok putih dengan diagfragma angka besar,, kamu akan melihatnya jika ada kotoran di lensa kamu

Walkthrought Persona 4 Event

By : Reyn
3.) Walkthrough

NOTE: This walkthrough will be spoiler free for the most part.  However, this
guide will cover the true ending for the game, so there is going to be one part
in which I have to spoil if you can't figure out that part on your own.  I'll
make sure to put a spoiler warning ahead of time for that part.

One last thing, I'll only cover dates in which something significant happens
or when you can raise one of your stats.  It'd look really ugly if I just kept
putting "Nothing to do today" day after day during long stretches.  Also, you
can check what the weather will be like at the Dojima Residence too.

|  M  |  T  |  W  |  Th  |  F  |  Sa  |  Su  |
|  11 |  12 |  13 |  14  |  15 |  16  |  17  |
|  18 |  19 |  20 |  21  |  22 |  23  |  24  |
|  25 |  26 |  27 |  28  |  29 |  30  |   -  |

Important Dates:

11 - Game begins.
12 - Chance to raise Courage.
14 - Quiz in class; Chance to raise Understanding.
15 - First battle and boss fight.
16 - Magician Social Link is established.
17 - Freely able to explore the TV World from here on out.
18 - Quiz in class.
19 - Sports Clubs are now open.
20 - Quiz in class.
23 - Part time Jobs are now available ; Quiz in class.
25 - Cultural Clubs are now open ; Quiz in class.
26 - Quiz in class.
29 - Last day to save Yukiko.
30 - Quiz in class.

April 11
This is where the game begins.  You'll be prompted to enter your name after
the first couple of scenes.  Like in Persona 3, you put in your LAST name then
your first name.  You could name your character things such as Peter Rules,
Peter is awesome, but I'll leave the name up to you.  Once everything is all
settled down, you'll have control over the main character.  Save your game with
the calender and head upstairs and examine the Futon in your room to sleep.

April 12
Watch the scenes and you'll get a chance to make a choice.  To raise your
Courage, pick "...You calling me a loser?"

April 14
You'll be asked a question in class.  Answer "Before Jesus was Born" to raise
your Knowledge.  One thing to note, your Knowledge won't always go up if you
answer a question correctly.  Sometimes your Expression will go up if one of
your friends asks you for the answer.

After the next set of scenes, you'll be given another list of choices to pick
from.  Choose "Are you guys okay?" to boost your Understanding.

April 15
You'll get into your first battle today, as well as your first boss fight which
isn't terribly hard.  If you're somehow having trouble with it, refer to the
boss section.

April 16
You'll establish the Magician Social Link with Yosuke today.

April 17
You'll be able to enter the first dungeon in the TV World.  Head for the second
floor to encounter the second boss of the game.  Refer to the boss section to
find out how to deal with it.

NOTE: You only have a couple of weeks to finish each dungeon.  Therefore since
you can finish a dungeon any day you wish to before the deadline, it would be
hard for me to put a boss in on a certain date so I'll be putting all the boss
information in the boss section for easy referral.

April 18
You'll be picked on in class again.  Go figure.  The answer is "The".

April 19
You can now join either the soccer or basketball team.  Both end up being the
Strength Social Link though.  The only difference is that there's a different
story line for each team.  Both teams will raise your Diligence as well.  In
order to find out how to join one, go visit the Faculty Office on the first
floor and then after that scene, just go straight and take the exit you come

April 20
Yosuke will ask you for your help with a question.  The answer is "Millennium".
If a classmate needs your help answering a question and you answer it right,
your Expression will get an increase rather than your Knowledge AND that person
will gain some points for their Social Link with you.

April 23
You can now get a Part Time job to earn Yen and raise certain statistics.  You
can find out which jobs are available by going to the North end of the Shopping
District and examine the bulletin board near the restaurant there.

Yosuke needs your help again on a question... again.  The answer is
"They were by the Riverside."

April 25
The Cultural Clubs are now open.  Both raise your Expression and just like with
the sports teams, each has a different storyline but the same Social Link
Arcana, which is the Sun.

You'll be asked a question this time instead of having everyone beg to cheat
off your paper.  The answer is "8 AM".

April 26
This time, Chie needs your help and not Yosuke.  Hooray!  The answer is
"It's a perfect number."

April 29
THIS IS THE LAST DAY TO SAVE YUKIKO.  I figured the all caps would get your
attention.  If you don't save her, she 'asplodes (well, dies, but you get the
point) and the game is over and you'll be a real ass for not saving her.

When you do save her, pick "Let's call it a day" to raise your Understanding.
The bosses for Yukiko's Castle can be found in the boss section.

April 30
Again, you'll be quizzed.  No, really.  Why can't they pick anyone else in
the class?

The answer is "Mt. Olympus".


|  M  |  T  |  W  |  Th  |  F  |  Sa  |  Su  |
|  -  |  -  |  -  |   -  |  -  |   -  |   1  |
|  2  |  3  |  4  |   5  |  6  |   7  |   8  |
|  9  |  10 |  11 |  12  |  13 |  14  |  15  |
|  16 |  17 |  18 |  19  |  20 |  21  |  22  |
|  23 |  24 |  25 |  26  |  27 |  28  |  29  |
|  30 |  31 |  -  |   -  |  -  |   -  |   -  |

Important Dates:

1 - Yukiko joins the party.
3 - Justice Social Link forms.
5 - Hermit Social Link forms.
6 - Hierophant Social Link forms.
7 - Quiz in class.
9-12 - Mid-Terms
15 - Chance to raise your Courage.
17 - Priestess Social Link forms.
18 - Unlocking Kanji's dungeon is now available.
19 - Test results are posted.
25 - New job openings are available.
26 - Quiz in class.

May 1
Yukiko will join the party here.  There's also an optional boss for you to
fight at the top of her dungeon but you have to start from Floor 1 again to
get there.

Also, if you do happen to drop by the TV world, head for the Shopping District,
where you fought Yosuke's Shadow and examine around inside of it to find a
weapon for Yosuke.

May 3
The Justice Social Link [Nanako's] will form.

May 5
You'll be given a choice of where you want to go today.  Choose to go to the
shrine in the shopping district to form the Hermit Social Link.  It's a good
idea to focus on the Hermit S. Link every now and then.  You'll see why soon

May 6
If you talk to Dojima, you can start the Hierophant Social Link.

May 7
You'll be quizzed yet again.  The answer is "Ionize".

May 9
The first day of Mid-Terms start today.  The answers are as follows:

"8 AM"
"Before Christ"

May 10

May 11
"Rene Descartes"
"Mt. Olympus"

May 12
Today is the final day of Mid-Terms.  Depending on how many answers you got
correct and the current level of your Knowledge, you'll either get the best
score, a Top 10 score or a "God you're dumb" score.  I believe you need to have
at least a Level 3 Knowledge to actually have a chance at the top score.

May 15
Yosuke is going to ask you a question about who'd you rather bang.  Choose
"Neither" for an increase in Courage.

May 17
The Priestess Social Link will form today.  Also, a scene will play out on the
Midnight Channel which is rather... interesting.

May 18
Today is the day you can start to unlock Kanji's dungeon to rescue him and I
recommend that you start on it today and don't waste any time.  Do the
following things:

1.) Go to the Textile Shop and talk with Kanji's mom.
2.) Go to Junes and talk to the woman near the elevators.  Come back tomorrow.
3.) Talk to the boy with the police hat on and you'll be able to search for
Kanji the next time you're in the TV World.

May 19
The test results are posted today from Mid-Terms.  If you got the top score or
ranked in the Top 10, make sure to speak to Dojima and Nanako when you can for
Yen and an item respectively.

May 25
A couple of new jobs are available.  Both are Social Link opportunities.

May 26
Yosuke is going to ask for your help yet again.  Feel free to bash his head in
or cut him if you want.  The answer is "Sacred Carvings".


|  M  |  T  |  W  |  Th  |  F  |  Sa  |  Su  |
|  -  |  -  |  1  |   2  |  3  |   4  |   5  |
|  6  |  7  |  8  |   9  |  10 |  11  |  12  |
|  13 |  14 |  15 |  16  |  17 |  18  |  19  |
|  20 |  21 |  22 |  23  |  24 |  25  |  26  |
|  27 |  28 |  29 |  30  |  -  |   -  |   -  |

Important Dates:

4 - Last day to rescue Kanji.
6 - Kanji joins the party.
8 - Quiz in class.
13 - Quiz in class.
15 - Quiz in class.
17-18 - Class Campout.
20 - Quiz in class.
24 - Star Social Link is forms ; Unlocking Rise's Dungeon is now available.
27 - Quiz in class.
30 - Quiz in class.

June 4
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO RESCUE KANJI.  If you don't rescue him it's Game Over
for you.

June 6
Kanji joins the party today.

June 8
Yukiko is apparently curious.  No, not in that way you silly gooses.

The answer is "From the play, Hamlet".

You'll be introduced to Saki Konishi's brother today.  Have him help you clean
up.  You'll be able to form a Social Link with him once you get your
Understanding to the minimum level required.

June 13
You know, if you damn teachers don't stop picking on me...

The answer is "Anaerobics."

June 15
Goddammit Yosuke.  Go away already.

The answer is "To hang".

June 17
The campout starts today.  You'll be given a set of three choices after you're
given your dinner.  Unfortunately one of them isn't faking your own death.

Choose "Eat it" to raise your Social Link status with Chie, Yosuke, and Yukiko.
I believe this requires a certain amount of Courage to actually do.

Later that night when Kanji is present, choose "Don't do this" to raise your

June 18
The second day of the campout.

Honestly, I only put this here because this is my birthday.  Hooray!

June 20
Must resist urge to inflict near lethal harm on Yosuke...

The answer is "Socrates."

June 24
The Star Social Link [Teddie's] forms today.  This is one of 3 automatic ones
so don't worry about having to spend quality time with Teddie.

Today is also the day in which you can unlock Rise's dungeon to complete.
Again, I recommend you unlock it as soon as possible.  Follow these directions:

1.) Go to the school and head to 2nd Floor in the Practice Building.  Go talk
to the fatass student hanging around in the hallway.

2.) Next, head to the Shopping District and talk with Rise's grandmother.

3.) Head for the Samegawa Flood Plain and go west until you see a man standing
in front of a tree.  Talk to him [The name that appears in the dialogue box
should be "Kind Man"].

Wait until tomorrow.

4.) Return to the Samegawa Flood Plain and talk to the Photographer this time.
Choose to trade information and pick either the first or second option to
unlock Rise's Dungeon.

June 27
Yet again you'll be quizzed.  The answer is "Hatred and Jealousy."

June 30
Picking on the transfer student is the easy way out.  The answer is
"Pis Pis River".


|  M  |  T  |  W  |  Th  |  F  |  Sa  |  Su  |
|  -  |  -  |  -  |   -  |  1  |   2  |   3  |
|  4  |  5  |  6  |   7  |  8  |   9  |  10  |
|  11 |  12 |  13 |  14  |  15 |  16  |  17  |
|  18 |  19 |  20 |  21  |  22 |  23  |  24  |
|  25 |  26 |  27 |  28  |  29 |  30  |  31  |

Important Dates:

4 - Quiz in class.
7 - Quiz in class.
9 - Last day to rescue Rise.
10 - New party members ; Chance to raise Courage and Understanding
13 - Quiz in class.
14 - Quiz in class.
15 - Quiz in class.
16 - Quiz in class.
19-23 - Finals ; Chance to raise Expression.
25 - Test results are posted.
27 - Unlocking Mitsuo's dungeon is now available.

July 4
Dammit Yosuke.  The answer is "Inductive Reasoning."

July 7
Yet another damn quiz.  I guess they're really prepping us for Finals.
The answer is "Kakinomoto no Hitomaro".

July 9
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO RESCUE RISE.  If you don't it's Game Over and you're
a bad person.

July 10
Teddie and Rise join the party today.  Teddie will join the front line while
Rise will take over Teddie's old job.

When prompted, pick "Leave it to me" to raise your Courage.

When prompted, pick "I'm here with you" to raise your Understanding.

New fusions are also available today so you can now fuse 4 or more Personas.

July 13
Ready for a series of questions?  The answer is "It takes time."

July 14
The answer is "Civil Dawn".

July 15
The answer is "No, it's not possible."

July 16
We're totally nerding it up.  The answer is "Insect Repellent".

July 19
Finals begin and then it's time for summer vacation!  Hoozah!  The answers are
as follows:

"To hang"
"From the play, Hamlet"

July 20

July 21
"Insect Repellent"
"Jealousy of the Superior"

July 22
"Nautical Dawn is brightest"

July 23
Today is the last day of finals.  Like before, depending on your level of
Knowledge and how many questions you answered right, you'll get a certain

After the test, select "Just you wait and see" to raise your Expression.

Later, choose "I'll show you around" to start the Lovers Social Link.

When prompted later, choose "I'll protect you" to slightly raise your Social
Link status with Nanako.

July 25
Test results are posted today.  Remember to talk with Dojima and Nanako to get
Yen and an item later when they're available.

July 27
Today you can start unlocking Mitsuo's dungeon which I highly recommend you do.
Follow these steps:

1.) Go to the Samegawa Flood Plain and go to the Riverbed.  Talk to Kanji.
2.) Head to the Shopping District and talk with Dojima.

Wait until tomorrow.

3.) Go to Junes and talk with Adachi near the window.  When prompted, pick
"I'll tell Dojima" to make him spill the beans like a frightened little 3rd

4.) Go back to the Shopping District but head to the northern part of it.
Right after the diner, examine the restaurant next to it titled the
Souzai Daigaku.

Wait until tomorrow.

5.) Head back to the Shopping District and talk to the person standing in front
of the Tofu shop.  You can now rescue Mitsuo.


|  M  |  T  |  W  |  Th  |  F  |  Sa  |  Su  |
|  1  |  2  |  3  |   4  |  5  |   6  |   7  |
|  8  |  9  |  10 |  11  |  12 |  13  |  14  |
|  15 |  16 |  17 |  18  |  19 |  20  |  21  |
|  22 |  23 |  24 |  25  |  26 |  27  |  28  |
|  29 |  30 |  31 |   -  |  -  |   -  |   -  |

Important Dates:

12 - Last day to save Mitsuo.
15-19 - Working at Junes.
20 - Summer Festival.
23 - Chance to help Nanako with her summer homework.

August 12
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO SAVE MITSUO.  I know I know, you won't be all that bad
if you don't save him but come on... at least be half decent.

August 15-19
You'll be working at Junes from today until the 19th.  You'll earn some Yen
from it so it's worth your while.

August 20
Tonight is the Summer Festival.  A choice will pop up that involves Chie,
Yukiko, and Rise.  Whichever one you compliment, that Social Link will get some
points added to it.

Teddie's also a sneaky bastard.

August 23
You can help out Nanako with her homework if you want.  Doing so will occupy
your evenings though until she finishes so it's up to you.


|  M  |  T  |  W  |  Th  |  F  |  Sa  |  Su  |
|  -  |  -  |  -  |   1  |  2  |   3  |   4  |
|  5  |  6  |  7  |   8  |  9  |  10  |  11  |
|  12 |  13 |  14 |  15  |  16 |  17  |  18  |
|  19 |  20 |  21 |  22  |  23 |  24  |  25  |
|  26 |  27 |  28 |  29  |  30 |   -  |   -  |

Important Dates:

1 - Quiz in class.
5 - Quiz in class.
8-10 - Class Trip.
16 - Unlocking Naoto's dungeon is now available.
17 - Quiz in class.
20 - Quiz in class.
28 - Quiz in class.

September 1
Back in school and you're already quizzed.  I'm sure you miss Summer Vacation
already.  The answer is "1900".

September 5
You'll be quizzed today.  The answer is "Sardine."

September 8
Today is the first day of your class trip.  I'm quite confident that people
that have played Persona 3 will recognize that high school and the Student
Council President.

September 9
When you get your chance to pick what someone else will do, your answer will
raise the Social Link status of the character that you choose.  If I remember

1.) Rise
2.) Chie
3.) Yukiko
4.) Yosuke

September 10
Today is the last day of the Class Trip.  Teddie sure makes a lasting
impression, though.

September 16
Today is the first day you can start unlocking Naoto's dungeon.  I'm sure I
don't have to tell you by now that you should do it as quickly as possible.
Follow these steps:

1.) Talk to the female students on Classroom Floor 1-1 until someone mentions
a girl in the Practive Building.

2.) Talk to the girl in the Practice Building.

3.) Head for the Shopping District, north part, and talk with the Policeman.

4.) Go to the Samegawa Flood Plain and head for the Riverbank.  Talk to Chie.

5.) Go back to the northern part of the Shopping District and talk with the
Policeman again.

Come back tomorrow.

6.) Go to the Shopping District again but this time, stay on the south side
and talk to the Policeman here.  When given the chance, answer that Naoto had
an obessesion with the case and he was treated like a child.

Naoto's dungeon is now unlocked.

September 17
You'll be quizzed today.  The answer is "To make profit from spices."

September 20
Another quiz.  The answer is "Centenarians".

September 28
The quizzes will end soon.  Just hold out a bit longer.  The answer is


|  M  |  T  |  W  |  Th  |  F  |  Sa  |  Su  |
|  -  |  -  |  -  |   -  |  -  |   1  |   2  |
|  3  |  4  |  5  |   6  |  7  |   8  |   9  |
|  10 |  11 |  12 |  13  |  14 |  15  |  16  |
|  17 |  18 |  19 |  20  |  21 |  22  |  23  |
|  24 |  25 |  26 |  27  |  28 |  29  |  30  |
|  31 |  -  |  -  |   -  |  -  |   -  |   -  |

Important Dates:

4 - Quiz in class.
5 - Quiz in class ; Last day to save Naoto.
6 - Naoto joins the party.
8 - Quiz in class.
11 - Quiz in class.
12 - Quiz in class.
13 - Quiz in class.
14-15, 17-20 - Mid-Terms
24 - Test results are posted.
27 - Chance to raise Expression.
29-30 - Culture Festival

October 4
Man... enough with the damn questions already.  The answer is "0.5 Liters".

October 5
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO SAVE NAOTO.  You better do it, otherwise I'll find you
myself and shove your disc somewhere that isn't pleasant.

%&@#!*.  The answer is "The green pigment ages".

October 6
Naoto joins the party today thus filling out your party.  A couple of neat
things about Naoto's Persona:

-It has no weaknesses and is strong against both Hama and Mudo attacks.
-It starts off with an Almighty based attack.
-It starts off with both Hamaon and Mudoon.

October 8
Quizzed yet again.  The answer is "Teacher".

October 11
I'm sure you know the drill by now.  The answer is "His height".

October 12
Yet again.  The answer is "Two Yen".

October 13
Sigh... the answer is "It speeds up their growth".

October 14
Mid-Terms start today.  The answers are:

"The growth speeds up"

October 15
"Ferdinand Magellan"

October 16
It's Sunday and Yosuke will invite you to a study group with everyone.  Going
will increase your Social Links slightly with your party members.

October 17
"All of the above"

October 18
"Two Yen"
"The Sun King"

October 19
"Shellfish Pigment"

October 20
Today is the last day of Mid-Terms.  Like always, your score is dependant on
your current level of Knowledge and how many questions you answered right.

October 24
Test results are posted.  I don't really need to see again how you can obtain
the highest score.

October 27
When given the choice, choose "Enter the pageant, dammit" for an Expression

October 29
The first day of the Culture Festival is today.  Several of your Social Links
will get some points added to them today.

October 30
The second day of the Culture Festival is today.  At night, when prompted,
pick the choice "Hold the line".  It really doesn't do anything but the
response gave me a quick laugh.


|  M  |  T  |  W  |  Th  |  F  |  Sa  |  Su  |
|  -  |  1  |  2  |   3  |  4  |   5  |   6  |
|  7  |  8  |  9  |  10  |  11 |  12  |  13  |
|  14 |  15 |  16 |  17  |  18 |  19  |  20  |
|  21 |  22 |  23 |  24  |  25 |  26  |  27  |
|  28 |  29 |  30 |   -  |  -  |   -  |   -  |

Important Dates:

1 - Quiz in class.
4 - Quiz in class.
6 - "Her" dungeon is now unlocked.
7 - Quiz in class.
11 - Quiz in class.
17 - Quiz in class.
20 - Last day to save "her".
22 - Quiz in class.
24 - Quiz in class.
25 - Quiz in class.
26 - Quiz in class.
28 - Finals start.

November 1
The answer is "Your back to your shoulders".

November 4
I'm pretty sure they pick Yosuke so he can bug the living hell out of me for
the answer.  The answer is "It excretes toxins".

November 6
"Her" dungeon is now unlocked.

November 7
The answer is "The South Pole".  Do keep in mind what temperature he gives
after you give the answer.

November 11
The answer is "Koch".

November 17
The answer is "Gamble".  I always thought it meant Game Over but what do I

November 20
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY YOU CAN SAVE "HER".  You better damn well save her too.

November 22
The answer is "The Patagonian Ice Field".

November 24
Ugh... too many quizzes this month.  The answer is "Six".

November 25
The answer is "It's the last chance".

November 26
Come on... give the new guy a break will you?  The answer is "X'mas".

November 28
Finals start today.  The answers are:

"The back to the shoulder"

November 29
"It excretes toxins"
"Chile and Argentina"

November 30
"A gamble"
"William Shakespeare"


|  M  |  T  |  W  |  Th  |  F  |  Sa  |  Su  |
|  -  |  -  |  -  |   1  |  2  |   3  |   4  |
|  5  |  6  |  7  |   8  |  9  |  10  |  11  |
|  12 |  13 |  14 |  15  |  16 |  17  |  18  |
|  19 |  20 |  21 |  22  |  23 |  24  |  25  |

Important Dates:

1-2 - Finals continue.
3 - Last day of Finals ; Chance to end the game or continue on.
5 - Gather information and select the true culprit.
6 - Teddie's Persona evolves.
8 - Test results are posted ; "His" dungeon is now unlocked.
9 - Quiz in class.
10 - Quiz in class.
24 - Last day to fight "him" ; Christmas Eve event.

December 1
"The South Pole ; 30 Degrees"
"1,000,000 dollars"

December 2
"Discovered Tuberculosis"

December 3
Today is the last day of finals and the last set of finals for the game, so
it's time to break out the booze!

Later at the hospital, you can now either achieve the bad ending, or continue

"Wait a second here..."
"We're missing something."
"Namatame's true feelings."
"Something's bothering me."
"We're missing something..."
"Calm the hell down!"

You'll know you did this correctly if the Fool Social Link maxes out and the
Judgment Social Link forms.  If you picked a wrong choice, the game will skip
to March 20.

December 5
You have to go around town and ask people about the murders now.  First, go
to the Shopping District North and talk to the Shopping Woman (she's near the
shrine).  Upon doing so, a new option will appear when you talk with people.
Talk with everyone in the Shopping District, both North and South and ask each
question.  The same goes for Junes and the Samegawa Flood Plain.

Upon entering Junes, talk to the student in the bottom right corner and ask her
the same two questions.  When you select the second question, she'll mention
her friend might know something.  Head to the Shopping District South again
and talk to the very first female student you see and pick the second question.
Once you talk to everyone and ask both questions, the game will advance.



In order to advance the game even further, you must pick the correct person
out of a list you're given and you only have three chances.  DO NOT READ

The true culprit is...





December 6
The Star Social Link will max out today and Teddie's Persona will evolve.

December 8
Your test results are posted today.  You know the routine by now.

Adachi's dungeon is now unlocked as well.  This place is excellent for
experience if you feel you're lacking in levels.  You get about 2000-3000 on
average per battle.

NOTE: If you complete Adachi's dungeon BEFORE the final date, the game will
automatically skip to the 24th so make sure to wait until the last couple of
days before finishing it so you can max any lingering Social Links.

December 9
You might have to stop a complete psycho but you still have you study, dammit.
The answer is "Insects".

December 10
The answer is "The 'big' toe".

December 24
Today is the last day to defeat Adachi.  Also, you'll get a small event with
one of your girlfriends here or if you only have one, then your girlfriend.
If you have more than one like me because you're awesome, then just reject
the calls you get until you get the one you want.


|  M  |  T  |  W  |  Th  |  F  |  Sa  |  Su  |
|  20 |  -  |  -  |   -  |  -  |   -  |   -  |

20 - Final day of the game.

March 20
Today is either the day you can get either the Normal Ending or the True
Ending.  As I pointed out before, we're going for the True Ending.  First
things first, though, we need to find all the Social Links we maxed out and
we have to talk to each person.  You can find each person at the following

-Lovers: Shopping District [South]
-Priestess: Amagi Inn.  Use the bus stop in the Shopping District.
-Tower: Shopping District [South]
-Hermit: Shrine in the Shopping District.
-Chariot: Shopping District [South]
-Devil: The Hospital you worked at.  Use the bus stop.
-Strength: In the diner that you can eat at to raise your stats.
-Hanged Man: Shopping District [North]
-Temperance: Visit the Day Care center you worked at.
-Justice: Select the Dojima Residence off of the city map.
-Hierophant: Select the Dojima Residence off of the city map.  Only do this
after talking to everyone.
-Death: Samegawa Flood Plain [Riverbed]
-Moon: Enter the school and check around the first floor.
-Star: Junes Food Court.
-Magician: Junes Food Court.
-Fortune: Enter the school and check around the first floor.
-Sun: Depending on which club you chose, visit either the Music or Drama room
at the school.

After doing this, you'll be asked if you want to go home to get ready to leave
tomorrow.  Select "No".

Next, go to the Food Court in Junes and select "No".  Examine the elevator
again and choose "I'm not finished yet".

After stopping by the Food Court, go visit Dojima at the Riverbed in the
Samegawa Flood Plain and talk with him.  Afterwards, go to the Velvet Room.

Finally, head to the Shopping District [South] and talk to the gas attendant
at the very south end of the area.  Select the following:

"Isn't this where I first...?"
"Do you know Adachi?" [Talk to her again after this]
"Did those two come here?" [Talk to her again after this]
"Did you do anything to them?"
"What did you do to me?"
"Did you give me the power?"

And voila.  The final dungeon of the game, Yomotsu Hirasaka is now unlocked.
only go to the weapon and item shops from inside the TV World but that's it.

Once you beat the final boss [Remember to check the boss section for
information], sit back and watch the ending.  Congratulations!  You've beaten
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4.  I hope my guide was able to help you out.

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